Hi, I’m Seth and this is my blog.
About tgcg.xyz
My primary disclaimer is that the contents here are always evolving and you may encounter opinions that I no longer hold or find advice that is no longer valid.
The purpose of this blog is to give me a space to write about whatever I want. My interests (and hence the content you might encounter) are broad and cover everything from politics & philosophy to computer science & physics.
The secondary disclaimer is that you will encounter my unfiltered opinions about many topics.
Some of these you might find agreeable, others amusing, and some upsetting. That’s fine. My purpose isn’t to impress you, it is purely to express myself.
Having said that, I hope some of the content here proves useful for you. Many times I have searched desperately for something to eventually chance upon a blog written by some stranger on the internet who shared exactly the advice or guide I needed. This blog is in no small part also my way of trying to give back to our collective digital mind with useful nuggets I’ve picked up along the way.
The Good Code Guy
Why this title? Well, it happens to be cute sounding, I have an email that corresponds to it (GoodCodeGuy@pm.me if you want to reach out), and perhaps most importantly is an accurate reflection of something I care a lot about.
About me
I’m a professional software engineer, serial entrepreneur, and all-around nerd.
I love writing, exercise, programming, learning, exploring, traveling, photography, and much more.
My degree is in Computer Science Engineering & Global Entrepreneurship (a mouthful, I know) and my Alma mater is Cornell University.